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The Twist

While often thought of as a single variation, The Twist was actually a robust social dance with many different variations.
On this page, you will find descriptions of more than 20 of them, collected from sources published during the early 60s Twistmania.
More will be added in the near future.
At the bottom of this page, you'll also find a playlist of authentic Twist music, as recommended during the Twistmania.
How to Twist
The Twist is really one basic movement, to which variations of the orientation, foot positioning, posture, and hand movements are added. Here's the one basic movement:
- The Basic Movement: As Nornie Dwyer writes, "Imagine you are in a bathroom, have just stepped out of the bath and are holding a towel across your back in line with your lower hips, your hands about nine inches beyond your hips on either side. With only slight hand movements, twist your hips in a drying action, slowly at first until you get the rhythm and then faster . . . If your hips swivel to the left then feet and knees swivel left; if to the right, then hips, knees and feet swivel to the right. Try and keep your shoulders still . . . On your odd counts you are twisting left and on even counts to the right" [AM62, CJ62, GC62, ND62].
This basic movement continues throughout the entire dance.
The variations described below are divided into sections based on the relative orientation of the partners.
Nornie Dwyer (1962) writes: "When you dance with a partner without any hold it is called a 'Challenge Position' which enables you to challenge your partner with different steps. It is not necessary always to dance the same step as your partner."
Facing Partner
- Back and Forward: Eight twists with weight back on right foot (left toe on floor in front), then eight twists with weight forward on left foot (right toe on floor behind). Lead and Follow dance the same (both back and then both forward) [ND62].
- Forward and Back: Twist for a while with the Lead's left forward and Follow's right behind, then return that foot to place and twist for a while with the Lead's right forward and Follow's left behind [GC62].
- The Boxers / The Swoop: Both step forward on right, and lower yourself straight down toward the ground for four twists, bending the right knee and allowing the left leg to slide out diagonally back left. Then use four more twists on the right foot to stand back up [ND62]. Can also be done with the left foot forward [AM62]. Or keep both feet in place [CJ62], perhaps taking two hands with partner to help stabilize yourselves [GC62].
- The Twizzle (Circling): Twist to the left, stepping forward on the left, then twist to the right, stepping forward on the right, both moving forward around in a small circle to own left. Hand can be held above head and circled to the right with a lasso movement, if desired [ND62].
- The Oversway: The Lead twists forward on the left four times, leaning progressively forward, as the Follow twists back on the right, leaning progressively back. Use four more twists to return to return to upright position. Repeat opposite, with the Follow leaning forward and the Lead leaning back [AM62, CJ62, GC62, ND62].
- The Right Turn / The Left Turn: Both turn in place to the right, either a full turn, or a half turn to get to Back to Back position [ND62]. Or turn to the left [GC62]. Or do quarter turns in opposite direction to get to Side by Side position [AM62].
- The Toe Heel Tap: Twist to the left on left left, tapping right toe to right (1), then twist to the right on right foot, tapping left toe to left (2), then close both feet and twist to the left (3) and right (4): tap, tap, twist, twist. Can also be done side by side [ND62].
- The Fly: The partners let their arms and hands "fly about rapidly, loose, limber and without control." This can be added to any Twist step [AM62].
- Knee to Knee: Twist closer together, with your right knee between your partner's knees [GC62].
- Double Time: Same as the basic movement, but in double time [CJ62].
- The Lift Behind: While continuing to Twist, lift one foot and bend it upward behind the other foot. Repeat with the other foot [CJ62].
Side by Side
This can either be side by side with some distance between you [AM62, ND62], or close together, almost as in Skaters' Position [GC62].
- Side Step: Twist with weight to the side on one foot four times, then shift weight to the other side and twist four times [AM62, ND62].
- Tick Tock: Feet together, twist on both toes to left, swinging both arms to the right, then twist on both heels to right, swinging both arms to the left. This step travels to the left [ND62].
- The Formation Twist: For partners, or a group. With weight on right foot, twist left, kicking left foot behind right ankle (1), twist right, tapping left toe to side (2), twist left, kicking left foot in front (3), and twist right, tapping left toe to side (4) [ND62].
- Kick and Touch: With weight on left foot, twist left, bending right knee and raising right foot behind, then twist right, touching right toe to side. Can also be done on the opposite side [AM62].
- The Pendulum: Swing outstretched arms down to cross in front, then out to side again. Repeat. Can be done with the basic Twist, or the Kick and Touch step [AM62].
- The Whip / Lasso: Swing right arm above head as though whipping a lariat [AM62, CJ62].
- The Chase: Twisting in place, one partner turns to face the other as the other turns away. Then turn halfway around so the other partner is in front [AM62].
- Side Dip: The Lead puts his arm around the Follow's waist, pulling her close to his hip and leaning over, as the Follow leans sideways onto him [GC62].
Behind Partner
- The Choo Choo Train: From Side by Side, both turn to the left, and twist down on the right foot four times (as in The Boxers), letting the left leg slide out behind you. Arms move in a train motion. "Your friends can join in and make it a really long train" [ND62].
- The Twizzle (Chasing): Twist to the left, stepping forward on the left, then twist to the right, stepping forward on the right, chasing partner forward. Hand can be held above head and circled to the right with a lasso movement, if desired [ND62].
- Peek-a-Boo: With the Lead behind the Follow, one partner leans to the right as the other leans to the left. Repeat opposite [AM62].
Back to Back
- The Backscratcher: Twist back to back, "as if scratching each other's backs" [GC62, ND62].
And More!
In addition to these existing variations, Arthur Murray (1962) notes that many Twist dancers improvise their own steps [AM62].
Twist Music
Here is some music for the Twist, as recommended at the time:
- "The Peppermint Twist" by Danny Peppermint
- "Twist-Her" by Bill Black's Combo
- "Spanish Twist" by Bill Haley and His Comets
- "Rockin' Twist" by The Flips
- "The Hully Gully Twist" by Bill Doggett
- "Twist My Wrist" by Jess Conrad
- "Twist, Twist" by Les Chakachas
- "Rocka-Hula Baby (Twist Special)" by Elvis Presley
- "Cervaza" by Boots Brown and Blackbusters
- "Twistin' the Mood" by Joe Loss and Orchestra
- "The Twist" by Chubby Checker
- "The Twist" by Victor Silvester Ballroom Orchestra
- "Peppermint Twist" by Joey Dee and the Starliters
- "Let's Twist Again" by Chubby Checker
- "The 'Oliver' Twist" by Bob Miller and the Millerman
- "Twistin' Bells" by Santo and Johnny
- "Kissin' Twist" by Jack Hammer
- "Hula Twist" by Reg Owen Orchestra
- "Big Ben Twist" by Fats and the Chessmen
- "It's Twistin' Time" by The Good Timers
- For Twisters Only by Chubby Checker
- Twist with Cubby Checker by Chubby Checker
- Doin' the Twist at the Peppermint Lounge by Joey Dee and the Starliters
- Let's Twist by Bill Black's Combo
- The Twist by Fats and the Chessmen
- Look Who's Twistin' . . . Everybody!! by Oliver and the Twisters
- Twistin' the Hits by Aki Aleong and the Liquorice Twisters
- Super Twist by Helmut Zacharias and his Twist-Fiddle
Here's a playlist of the songs above that are available on Spotify:
- GC62 — George Carpozi, Jr. (1962). Let's Twist. New York.
- ND62 — Nornie Dwyer. (1962). Dance the Twist. London.
- CJ62 — Chubby Jackson. (1962). Twist Calling [Vinyl Record with Instructions on the Sleeve]. New York.
- AM62 — Arthur Murray. (1962). "How to Twist." Let's All Twist. New York.
© 2018 Nick Enge
For more dance descriptions, see our three books on dancing:
The Book of Mixers: 100 Easy-Teach Dances for Getting Acquainted (2022) by Richard Powers and Nick & Melissa Enge,
Cross-Step Waltz: A Dancer's Guide (2019) by Richard Powers and Nick & Melissa Enge, and
Waltzing: A Manual for Dancing and Living (2013) by Richard Powers and Nick Enge.
For full-length teaching videos, visit: University of Dance.
For help crafting a life you love, visit: Project Quartz.
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