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1920s Blues
(Le Blues & Fox-Blues)
People have been dancing to Blues music for over a century. But what were they dancing to it a century ago?
While there have been many ways of dancing the Blues over the years, for a window into Blues dancing in the 1920s, we can look to Paris, where French dance masters like Professor André Peter's were fastidiously documenting the latest dances from around the world on a monthly—sometimes even biweekly—basis, including the 20s version of "Le Blues," which was reported to have come to Paris by way of New York [AM21].
A source from January 1923 noted that Le Blues had been around for "at least a year and a half" [AP23a], which would place its arrival in Paris prior to the summer of 1921, almost exactly 100 years before the creation of this page. A source in the late 20s recalled that the Le Blues experienced an "insane vogue" in the early 20s, reporting that "we danced it everywhere," and "we danced it on everything, so easily [did] its steps adapt to all rhythms" [PB28].
Blues variations were described under two names: Le Blues and Fox-Blues. Some authors only described one [AM21, BH26, GL26, JN27, PB28], while others used the two names to refer to different sets of variations and/or tempos [DC26], and others used the two names interchangeably [AP22a, AP22b, AP22c]. Looking at all of the sources at once, there's no clear distinction between the steps that were categorized as Le Blues and Fox-Blues. If anything, Fox-Blues refers to a faster tempo (~152 bpm), and Le Blues refers to a slower tempo (~116 bpm), but all of the steps can be danced throughout the whole tempo range. This is consistent with a source from the late 20s that said Blues can be danced to "slow, medium, and fast" rhythms, but regardless of the tempo, the steps remain the same [PB28].
The Dance
The Style
The movements of the Blues were described as "very slow" [AP27], "very elongated" [AP22c, AP23f, DC26], and "very elegant" [AP22a], having a "very particular grace" about them [AP22c].
One source noted that there is a "very slight" lifting motion as you take off into each step [AP22c], after which you land on a flat foot [AP22c], consistent with another source's advice to keep the steps "light and flexible," landing "silently" [PB28]. While the idea of an upward movement in Blues might initially seem odd, lifting up as you take off into each step also implies that you are landing down into each step. Think about leaping slightly into each step, without ever leaving the ground, as if you're running in slow motion through molasses on the moon, and you'll get the idea.
In addition, several sources described a "discrete" oppositional movement of the shoulders: as you step with the right foot, the left shoulder moves slightly forward, and vice versa [AP22c, GL26, AP27, PB28]. Another source, however, said that there was no movement of the shoulders [AM21].
Finally, one source noted that there was an "extremely subtle" movement of the hips [AP22c].
Once you've acquired these style points, it was advised that you back off on all of them so as to make them "imperceptible." In watching a skillful couple dancing the Blues, one author said, a spectator should "only be able to suspect" these movements [AP22c].
The Steps
In the brief descriptions of the steps below, the Lead's footwork is described, and the Follow dances opposite unless explicitly noted.
As was the fashion in Paris in the 1920s, the Lead starts with the right foot and the Follow starts with the left foot. However, in this dance, you'll often find yourself on the other foot, and in fact, there's a whole category of steps (see "Changements de Pas") specifically designed to change from one foot to the other.
The names for the figures in the original sources are in bold; my nicknames for them are in italics.
Following the convention of Professor André Peter's, our most prolific source for 20s Blues, we'll count based on the quick counts, so the fundamental slow count that is used in the basic and in most variations will be counted as 1, 3, 5, 7.
- Le Blues / La Marche (The Basic): Back the Follow (or the Lead) slowly along LOD (two beats per step), in the style of Blues (1, 3, 5, 7) [AM21, AP22c, AP23f, DC26, BH26, GL26, JN27, AP27, PB28]. Think Tango tempo, not One Step tempo.
- Basic Turns: The next four variations are ways of turning the basic Blues step, either to transition from backing the Follow to backing the Lead, or simply to add variety to the dance:
- Blues en Tournant (Half Pivots): When stepping forward right or back left, turn 180° CW in one slow step. Or when stepping forward left or back right, turn 180° CW in one slow step [AP22c, DC26, BH26, JN27]. These steps can theoretically be chained together to complete a full rotation (or several) [AP22c, DC26], but one author recommended against this because it was considered ungraceful in this particular dance [AP22c], likely because the slow tempo makes continuous pivots tricky. Instead, it was recommended that you just do a single half pivot to transition from backing the Follow to backing the Lead or vice versa [AP22c].
- Le Tour en Six Pas (Six-Count Turn): Step forward left along LOD, turning to the left (1), step side/back right along LOD, continuing to turn to the left (3), step straight back left along LOD (5), step back right along LOD, turning to the left (7), step side/forward left along LOD, continuing to turn to the left (1), and step straight forward right along LOD (3) [AP22c, AP23f, AP27]. This can also be done turning to the right by starting it on the right foot [AP22c, AP22d], but it was said to be more commonly done to the left than to the right [AP22c, AP22d], as turning to the right was considered "less original" [AP22d]. Note that when turning to the left, this variation starts with the left foot, so you'll need to wait until your left foot is free to start it. The left turn can also be started halfway through when backing the Lead [AP22d, AP23f].
- Le Demi-Tour en Trois Pas / La Marche en Tournant (Three-Count Half Turn): Do half of the Tour en Six Pas to transition from backing the Follow to backing the Lead or vice versa [AP22d, AP27, PB28]. This was described as being "much preferred" to the Blues en Tournant (half pivot in one step) transition that was described in an earlier publication by the same author [AP22d]. One source describes both a left-turning version that starts on the left foot, and a right-turning version that starts on the right foot [PB28].
- Le Tour en Quatre Pas (Four-Count Turn): In some sources, this is exactly the same as the first four counts of Le Tour en Six Pas. In this case, Le Tour en Six Pas simply counts the fifth and sixth steps forward along LOD as part of the variation, while Le Tour en Quatre Pas treats them as part of the basic walking step after the four step variation is over [DC26, AP27]. In one source, however, it appears to be an entirely different step: step forward left along LOD, turning 1/4 to the left (1), step side/back right along LOD, turning 1/4 to the left (3), step back/side left along LOD, turning 1/4 to the left (5), and rock back/side right against LOD, turning 1/4 to the left [AP23e]. Given that the author of this secondary version later described the primary version using the same name, it's likely that the primary version was the more popular one.
- Les Changements de Pas (Change Steps): This is a family of steps that can be used to shift the footing with regard to the music so that, if you were previously stepping on the right foot on (1), you'll now be stepping on the left foot on (1). Many different changements were described:
- Le Changement de Pas Ordinaire / Le Changement de Pas Couru / Les Courus (Running Change Step): Change the feet by doing two quick steps instead of one slow step. A regular slow step forward right (1), a short quick step forward left (3), a short quick step forward right (4), and a regular slow step forward left (5), having changed the feet [AM21, AP23b, AP23f, PB28]. Or vice versa to change from left foot to right foot.
- Le Changement de Pas Assemblé / Pas Hesités (Hesitating Change Step): Change the feet by closing the feet without weight. Step forward right (1), close left to right without weight (3), then step forward left (5), having changed the feet [AP23b, AP23f]. Or vice versa to change from left foot to right foot. This can also be repeated with alternating feet (step, touch, step, touch) as a continued touching walk [DC26, BH26]. Other sources includes a similar change step where you take two quick steps (3, 4) in place (close with weight, then drop in place with weight) instead of touching slowly without weight [AP23g, AP23h].
- Le Pas Pointé (Pointing Change Step): Similar to Le Changement de Pas Assemblé, but with different foot placement. Step forward right (1), Lead points left foot in front without weight as the Follow points right foot behind without weight (3), then step forward left (5), having changed the feet [AP23h, AP24a, PB28]. This can be repeated on the same foot (point left, step left, step right, then point left, step left, step right) [AP23h, AP24a], or it can be repeated on alternating feet (point left, step left, point right, step right) as a continued pointing walk [AP23h, AP24a, PB28], perhaps shading to the right as you touch forward left, and vice versa [JN27]. If done when backing the Lead, he points back and she points forward [PB28]. Another version of this step has the point in opposition to the direction of travel, e.g., when backing, step back right (1), leave left where it is, pointing forward left (3), then step back left (5) [DC26].
- L'Assemble Battu / Les Glissé de Cotés (Sideways Change Step): Change feet by doing a single Two-Step to the side. Step diagonally forward/side right toward the outside wall (1), close left to right with weight (2), step side right (3), close left to right without weight (4), and step forward left (5), having changed the feet [DC26, AP27]. Or vice versa to change from left foot to right foot. One source specified that the first side step is small and the second one is large [AP27].
- Pas Battu (Bounced Change Step): The inverse of the previous step. Step diagonally forward/side right toward the outside wall (1), close left to right *without* weight (2), step side left (3), close left to right *with* weight (4), and step forward left (5), having changed the feet [DC26]. Or vice versa to change from left foot to right foot.
- Le Changement de Pas Complexe / Pas d'Arrêt / Pas Habanera (Rocking Change Step): Change the feet by doing two quick rocking steps. Step forward right (1), step forward left (3), then rock back right (4), and step forward left (5), having changed the feet [AP23c, DC26]. Or vice versa to change from left foot to right foot [DC26].
- Le Changement de Pas Croisé (Locking Change Step): Change the feet by doing two quick steps, with the second step crossing (a.k.a locking) behind (Leads) or in front of (Follows) the first one. Step forward right (1), step diagonally forward left toward the center of the room (3), then the Lead crosses/locks the right foot behind the left as the Follow crosses/locks the left foot in front of the right (4), and step forward left (5), having changed the feet [AP23d]. Or vice versa to change from left foot to right foot.
- Le Changement de Pas [Corte] (Corte Change Step): Similar to a Tango corte. Step forward right (1), step forward left (3), then close right to left with weight (4), and step back left (5), having changed the feet, then continue walking forward right (7) [JN27].
- Le Pas de Jazz / Pas Assemblé-Tournant (Serpentine Step): Take a short step forward left, bringing the right shoulder forward (1), close right to left with weight (2), and take a longer step forward left, bringing the right shoulder farther forward (3), then continue walking forward right (5), having changed the feet, or repeat it on the other side, bringing the left shoulder forward (5, 6, 7) [PB28]. On the repeated version, you curve slightly in toward the center of the room on the first half, then out toward the outside wall on the second half, while traveling along LOD. Another source has the same footwork, starting on the right foot, without describing the shoulder rotation, but it calls it "Pas Assemblé-Tournant," so it's likely that there was some degree of rotation involved [AM21].
- Side Steps: The next family of variations include ways of traveling sideways along LOD:
- La Marche de Côté (Side Steps): When facing the outside wall, perhaps after a 1/4 turn CW on the right foot when backing the Follow, take a side step left (1), and close right towards left with weight (3) [JN27, PB28].
- La Pas de Côtés (Cross and Chassé): When facing the outside wall, perhaps after a 1/4 turn CW on the right foot when backing the Follow, step side left (1), Lead crosses right in front of left as Follow crosses left in front of right (3), step side left (5), and close right to left with weight (7) [GL26].
- Tournés Alternifs / Le Quarts à Droite et à Gauche / Tour Detourné (Zig Zag): From backing the Follow, step diagonally forward right along LOD toward the outside wall (facing outside along LOD) (1), and pivot 1/4 CW to step diagonally back left along LOD toward the center of the room (facing outside against LOD) (3). Then step diagonally back right along LOD toward the center of the room (facing outside against LOD) (5), and pivot 1/4 CCW to step diagonally forward along LOD toward the outside wall (facing outside along LOD) (7). Repeat as desired, or rotate a little more CCW at the end to back the Follow once again [AP22d, AP23f, DC26, BH26, PB28]. You can also exit to backing the Lead by rotating a little more CW halfway through the step [AP22d]. This step is like a Grapevine, but with the feet interlocking, facing each other squarely the whole time, instead of crossing the feet and passing by each other's sides. The steps above are exactly as the original sources described them, but you can also think of them as the traditional "in front, *side*, behind, *side*" of a Grapevine, if that's easier to parse: the resulting step will essentially be the same. It can also be done starting with a left turning quarter turn on the left foot, in which case the Lead will be facing the center of the room and the Follow will be facing the outside wall [AP27].
- Assemblé de Côté (Syncopated Side Steps): When facing the outside wall, perhaps after a 1/4 turn CW on the right foot when backing the Follow, take a small side step to the left (1), close right to left with weight (2), take a larger side step to the left (3, 4), and slowly close right to left with weight by dragging the toes on the floor while leaning slightly to the right, using all of the time you have in this slow count to close (5, 6). Repeat as desired, or turn 1/4 CCW to continue backing the Follow along LOD with the left foot on (7) [AP23a, AP23f, PB28]. This can also be started after backing the Lead by doing a 1/4 turn to the left on a step back with the right foot to face the outside wall, which one author says is actually preferable [AP23a].
- Pas de Cheval ("Horse Step") (Touch and Slide): Similar to the Assemblé de Côté, but with a touch instead of a quick chassé. Point the left foot to the left side without weight (1), place it further to the left and take weight on it (3, 4), then drag the right foot closed with weight as in the Assemblé de Côté (5, 6) [AM21, AP23a, AP23f, BH26, JN27, AP27, PB28]. Like the previous step, this can also be done after a 1/4 turn to the left on the right foot when backing the Lead, but one author recommends doing the Pas de Cheval when backing the Follow, and the Assemblé de Côté when backing the Lead [AP23a]. This same author recommended avoiding the "pawing" motion that some dancers did when doing this step (i.e., paw the ground with the left foot like a horse, then slide to the left and close with the right), as this was supposed to be reserved for exhibition dancers [AP23a]. But the fact that it was recommended against means that some (perhaps many) dancers were doing it that way. Without explicitly referencing pawing, one source describes the action of the first three counts as point left foot to the side (1), lift the left foot, bringing it slightly back in toward the right (2), and step side left (3) [BH26]. Another source said that this step is marked by a "rather accentuated" and "very characteristic" movement "from bottom to top," without elaborating on what exactly they meant by this [AM21]. There's also a turning version of this step where you touch to the side on (1), then place that foot in front (CW turn), or behind (CCW turn) where it touched when you step on (3) in order to turn slightly to the right or left [DC26]. Yet another version has two additional steps in the middle: touch side left (1), step side left (3), replace side right (5), replace side left (7), and close right to left (9) [JN27].
- Pas Balancé (The Two and One): In November 1923, this step was said to have almost entirely replaced the Assemblé de Côté and Pas de Cheval [AP23h]. Step side left (1), bring right closer to the left, but not fully closed, with weight (2), step side left (3), bring right closer to left, without weight (4), then step side right (5), and bring left closer to right, without weight (6) [AP23h, BH26]. A variation of this step has the feet swiveling left and right on each count so that all of the toes point toward the: hands (1), elbows (2), hands (3), elbows (4), hands (5), elbows (6) [AP23i, AP27]. In another version of this step, once the feet are open after the first step, they both stay in the same open position the whole time, as you sway left (1), right (2), left (3), right (5) [DC26]. This version can also be done with swiveling feet, although this source describes the opposite swivel, as the *heels* point toward the hands (1), elbows (2), hands (3), elbows (4), hands (5), elbows (6) [DC26].
- Fantaisies: This last family of steps includes various uncategorized "Fantaisies" of Le Blues, which is to say, various fancy fun steps:
- Le Balance Sur Place / Le Tour Balancé / Pas Tournés Sur Place (Single Hesitation): Stop on a forward step with the right foot (1, 2), rock back on the left foot (3, 4), slightly raising the right foot slightly, then rock forward on the right foot, slightly raising the left foot (5, 6). Repeat rocking back and forth, or continue walking [PB28]. When repeated, this can rotate to the right [JN27, PB28]. This can also be done with the left foot in front, turning to the left [JN27]. One version of this step has four counts for the forward step, and two counts for the backward step [DC26].
- Glissés en Tournant (Step-Touch Turn): Step forward left along LOD (1), turning 1/4 to the left, step side right along LOD (3), and close left to right without weight (5), then turn 1/4 to the left to repeat those three counts against LOD (7, 1, 3) [DC26]. This can also be done turning to the right by starting on the right foot [DC26].
- Jazz Alterné Avec Un Pas de Marche (Zig-Zag Jazz): Step forward right along LOD (1), turning 1/4 to the right to face the outside wall, then do half of a right Turning Two-Step: side left along LOD (3), close right to left (4), and step back left along LOD (5), then step back right along LOD, turning 1/4 to the left to face the outside wall (7), and do half of a left Turning Two-Step: side left along LOD (8), close right to left (9), and step forward left along LOD (10) [DC26].
- Jazz Pivoté Tourné (Jazz Pivot): Facing the outside wall, do half of a left Turning Two-Step: side left along LOD (1), close right to left (2), and step forward left along LOD (3), turning halfway to the left, then complete the rotation with a half pivot to the left by stepping back across LOD with the left foot (5) [DC26].
- Le Huit (El Ocho): Borrowed from Tango. Take a side step left (1), the Lead crosses right in front of left as the Follow crosses left in front of right (3), and take another side step left (5). Then repeat opposite: take a side step right (1), the Lead crosses left in front of right as the Follow crosses right in front of left (3), and take another side step right (5) [PB28].
- L'Arrét Tourné (Stop and Twist): A particularly fancy step that would be perfectly at home in today's Blues. Stop on a step forward right (1), and then, keeping the weight on the right foot and counter-balancing away from each other, twist as far CCW as you can without moving your feet (3), then shift side/back onto the left foot to twist back to your original orientation (5) and continue walking forward right (7) [DC26]. This feels kind of like you're dipping each other at the same time.
- Mixing with Fox Trot: One source says that it was common to dance a mix of Blues and Fox Trot steps [GL26], which makes sense, given that the steps of the two dances have a lot in common.
- Dancing in 3/4 Time: One source says that Blues can be adapted to pretty much any rhythm, but that advanced rhythms require adapting the timing [PB28]. While it didn't explain exactly how this works, we can make an educated guess about how they might've danced Blues in fast 3/4 time, based on other dances that existed at the time. Take the slow steps on (1) and (4), and do the quick steps in canter timing, stepping on (1) and (3) or (4) and (6).
The Music
Blues music.
The tempo was described as being slower than Fox Trot [AM21, AP23c, BH26].
One source said that the "accepted tempo" for dancing Blues was 152 bpm [AP24d], but the "real tempo" for dancing Blues was 116 bpm [AP24d]. Another gave the faster tempo the name "Fox-Blues" and the slower tempo the name "Blues" [DC26]. Given that the basic walking step takes two beats per step, this translates to an "accepted tempo" of 76 steps per minute (for "Fox-Blues"), and a "real tempo" of 58 steps per minute (for "Le Blues").
Another source noted that it can be danced to "slow, medium, and fast" rhythms, but regardless of the tempo, the steps remain the same [PB28].
Below, you'll find a playlist of 1920s Blues recordings in the tempo range from 116 to 152 bpm:
- AM21 — Albin Michel (ed.). (c. 1921). Les Danses Nouvelles. Paris.
- AP22a — André Peter's [A. Peter's]. (1922, November 1). Dansons! No. 17. Paris.
- AP22b — André Peter's [A. Peter's]. (1922, November 15). Dansons! No. 18. Paris.
- AP22c — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1922, December 1). Dansons! No. 19. Paris.
- AP22d — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1922, December 15). Dansons! No. 20. Paris.
- AP23a — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1923, January 1). Dansons! No. 21. Paris.
- AP23b — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1923, January 15). Dansons! No. 22. Paris.
- AP23c — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1923, February 1). Dansons! No. 23. Paris.
- AP23d — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1923, February 15). Dansons! No. 24. Paris.
- AP23e — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1923, March 1). Dansons! No. 25. Paris.
- AP23f — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1923, April 20). Dansons! No. 28. Paris.
- AP23g — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1923, June 5). Dansons! No. 31. Paris.
- AP23h — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1923, November). Dansons! No. 41. Paris.
- AP23i — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1923, December). Dansons! No. 42. Paris.
- AP24a — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1924, March). Dansons! No. 45. Paris.
- AP24b — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1924, April). Dansons! No. 46. Paris.
- AP24c — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1924, May). Dansons! No. 47. Paris.
- AP24d — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1924, September). Dansons! No. 51. Paris.
- DC26 — Prof. D. Charles. (c. 1926). Toutes Les Danses Modernes Et Leurs Théories Complètes. Paris.
- BH26 — Bebby Holt. (c. 1926). Aprenda V. [Usted] Mismo A Bailar Danzas Modernas. Barcelona.
- GL26 — Georges Laffitte. (1926). Aide-Memoire Et Lecons De Danse. Paris.
- JN27 — Professeur Jean Nicolaï. (c. 1927). Théories de Danses Modernes. Toulouse.
- AP27 — A. Peter's [André Peter's]. (1927). Aide-Memoire Du Parfait Danseur (Second Edition). Paris.
- PB28 — Paul Boucher, Paul Gaffet. (1928). Toutes Les Danses Pour Tous, Illustré Par La Photographie. Paris.
© 2021 Nick Enge
If you or your community is interested in learning 1920s Blues, .
For more dance descriptions, see our three books on dancing:
The Book of Mixers: 100 Easy-Teach Dances for Getting Acquainted (2022) by Richard Powers and Nick & Melissa Enge,
Cross-Step Waltz: A Dancer's Guide (2019) by Richard Powers and Nick & Melissa Enge, and
Waltzing: A Manual for Dancing and Living (2013) by Richard Powers and Nick Enge.
For full-length teaching videos, visit: University of Dance.
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