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Waltz position throughout.
1: The Lead slides left foot along LOD, as the Follow slides right foot along line of dance.
"&"*: The Lead closes right foot to left, as the Follow closes left foot to right.
* Note on Timing: The "&" used to describe this timing is different from the "and" used to describe Polka time. It's closer to the dotted ("swung") triple used in Lindy Hop.
2: The Lead slides left foot along LOD, as the Follow slides right foot along line of dance.
3: The Lead closes right foot to left, as the Follow closes left foot to right.
4: The Lead leaps back around the Follow with left foot, as she leaps straight forward between his feet, turning 180°.
Repeat opposite.
Like most 19th century waltz variations, the Waltz Galop can be reversed.
Galop or Schottische music.
Gilbert 1890 and Lopp 1903 cite George T. Wilson of Auburn, Maine, as the originator.
© 2015 Nick Enge
(Click to expand)
Hecla Galop (Gilbert, 1890):
Slide left foot to side (2d), 1; draw right to left and slide left to side (chasse), & 2; close right to left, placing weight on right, 3; leap from right to left, 4; two measures.
Repeat, commencing with right foot, the turn to be made on third and fourth counts.
By permission of George T. Wilson.
L'Hecla Galop (Lopp, 1903):
Tempo 2/4. Allegro
Position de valse.
Glisser le pied cauche à côté à la 2e position . . . Compter 1
Ramener le pied droit vers le pied gauche que l'on porte de côté à la 2e position . . . Compter 2, 1 mesure.
Ramener le pied droit en y portant le poids du corps contre le pied gauche . . . Compter 1
Porter vivement le poids du corps du pied droit sur le pied gauche . . . Compter 2, 1 mesure.
Reprendre en parlant du pied droit.
Tourner pendant la dernière mesure.
For more dance descriptions, see our three books on dancing:
The Book of Mixers: 100 Easy-Teach Dances for Getting Acquainted (2022) by Richard Powers and Nick & Melissa Enge,
Cross-Step Waltz: A Dancer's Guide (2019) by Richard Powers and Nick & Melissa Enge, and
Waltzing: A Manual for Dancing and Living (2013) by Richard Powers and Nick Enge.
For full-length teaching videos, visit: University of Dance.
For help crafting a life you love, visit: Project Quartz.
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