Early One Step

One-Step ou Boston à Un Temps — as described by B. Bottallo — Paris, 1912

Historical Descriptions

One-Step ou Boston à Un Temps (Bottallo, Guide de Bon Danseur, 1912, p. 59):

Le One-Step, Le Castle-Walk ou Pas du Poisson, & La Danse de l'Ours — as described by Georges Parmentier — Paris, 1912

Historical Descriptions

Le Castle-Walk ou Pas du Poisson (Parmentier, Ce Qui Se Danse Aujourd'hui, 1912, p. 2):

Le One-Step (Parmentier, Ce Qui Se Danse Aujourd'hui, 1912, p. 32):

La Danse de l'Ours (Parmentier, Ce Qui Se Danse Aujourd'hui, 1912, p. 32):

Le Vrai Turkey Trot — as described by L. Robert — Paris, 1912

With music for Everybody's Doing It.

Historical Descriptions

Le Vrai Turkey Trot (Robert, Le Vrai Turkey Trot, 1912, p. 1):

The Turkey Trot — as described by A. J. Sheafe — Boston, 1912

With music for The Gobbler.

Historical Descriptions

The Turkey Trot (Sheafe, The Turkey Trot, 1912, p. 1):

Le One-Step, Le Turkey-Trot, & La Danse de L'Ours — as described in Musica — Paris, 1913

Historical Descriptions

Le Danse de L'Ours (Lafitte, Musica, 1912, p. 90):

Le One-Step (Lafitte, Musica, 1912, p. 92):

Le Turkey-Trot (Lafitte, Musica, 1912, p. 93):

La Danse de l'Ours, Le One-Step, & Le Turkey-Trot — as described by Max Rivera — Paris, 1913

Historical Descriptions

La Danse de l'Ours (Rivera, Le Tango et les Danses Nouvelles, 1913, p. 51):

Le One-Step (Rivera, Le Tango et les Danses Nouvelles, 1913, p. 51):

Le Turkey-Trot (Rivera, Le Tango et les Danses Nouvelles, 1913, p. 51):

The Castle-Walk — as described by N. Georgevitch — Berlin, 1913

The Castle-Walk: Back the Follow, starting Lead's left, dancing on the soles of the feet, rising onto the toes after taking each step.

The Chassé: Quick side steps to the Lead's left (toward the center of the room).

Backing the Gentleman: Back the Lead, starting Lead's left.

These dance descriptions are accompanied by the sheet music for Cecil Macklin's Très Moutarde.

Historical Descriptions

The Castle-Walk (Georgevitch, Theory of the "Castle-Walk"-Dance, 1913, p. 1):

The Turkey Trot or One-Step — as described by Laura Geurite — New York, 1913

With music for September Eve.

Historical Descriptions

The Turkey Trot or One-Step (Guerite, The Tango and Turkey Trot Made Easy, 1913, p. 18):

The Turkey Trot — as described by A. J. Sheafe — Boston, 1913

Historical Descriptions

The Turkey Trot (Sheafe, The Fascinating "Boston", 1913, p. 27):

Le Pas du Serpent — as described by Enrique Arenas — Paris, 1914

With music for La Baile de la Serpiente.

Historical Descriptions

Le Pas du Serpent (Arenas, Le Pas du Serpent, 1914, p. 1):

If you or your community is interested in learning Early One Step, .

© 2017 Nick Enge

For more dance descriptions, see our three books on dancing:
The Book of Mixers: 100 Easy-Teach Dances for Getting Acquainted (2022) by Richard Powers and Nick & Melissa Enge,
Cross-Step Waltz: A Dancer's Guide (2019) by Richard Powers and Nick & Melissa Enge, and
Waltzing: A Manual for Dancing and Living (2013) by Richard Powers and Nick Enge.

For full-length teaching videos, visit: University of Dance.

For help crafting a life you love, visit: Project Quartz.

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