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The Dance
The Steps
- Time Step: Step side left, raising right knee slightly (1), and touch right closed with flat foot (2), then repeat opposite (3, 4) [RL57].
- Step Touch: Same as the Time Step, but touching with the free toe (instead of flat foot), and pulling the free hip up sharply as you touch [RL57].
- Step Touch Walk: Same as the Step Touch, but traveling touching the free toe in the direction of travel. The bodies shade slightly toward each other when touching the outside foot, and slightly away from each other when touching the inside foot [RL57]. Can travel over the hands (touching forward) or the elbows (touching backward) [RL57].
- Charleston Step Touch: Step forward left (1), touch forward right (2), then step back right (3), and touch back left (4) [RL57].
- The Swivel: Add a double swivel (out, in) to the each count of the the Step Touch Walk or Charleston Step Touch [RL57].
- Side Swivel: Continuously swivel the right foot as the left foot touches forward (1), back (2), forward (3), and then steps (4). The swiveling of the right foot will propel you to the left. Then repeat opposite to travel to the right [RL57].
- Flips: Step left (1), touch right behind left (2), step right (3), touch left behind right (4) [RL57].
- Turns: Step left, turning halfway to the left (1), touch right to side, showing back to partner (2), then step side right back to place (3), and touch left closed (4) [RL57]. Can be done as alternating half turn in closed position, turning right to face partner on count 3, or as a full turn in open position, turning left to face partner on count 3 [RL57]. They can also be reversed by starting on the right foot [RL57].
- The Trudge: Back the Follow, with following style: "knees flexed, feet a foot apart, but parallel, pelvis thrown forward [when traveling forward, back when traveling back]. Steps are lazy and draggy, hips move to and fro as weight is shifted from one foot to the other. When stepping on the left foot, the left shoulder is pulled sideways to the left, right when stepping on the right foot" [RL57]. Can also be reversed, with the Lead backing [RL57], or done in place [RL57].
- Calypso on Ice: Same as the trudge in place, but with a small kick to the side with the free foot on the "and" of each count [RL57].
- Meringue Step: Side left (1), close right to left (2), and repeat (3, 4). On odd counts, hold the right hip back and reach to the side with the left shoulder. On even counts, release to neutral [RL57].
- Meringue Limp: Leap lightly onto left (1), kick sideways with right (and), and close right to left (2). Repeat (3-and-4) [RL57].
- The Canter: Step left, throwing knees forward and tilting upper body back (1), then, without changing weight, straighten knees and tilt upper body forward (2). Repeat on the other foot (3, 4) [RL57]. Can be done in place [RL57], or traveling forward or backward [RL57].
- Canter Breaks: Using Canter movement, step left, facing partner, tilting backward, then turn to face Lead's left, tilting forward, right heel on floor, right toe raised (1, 2). Repeat opposite (3, 4) [RL57].
- Canter Promenade: Using Canter movement, promenade in half closed position. Then canter once in place, and reverse direction of the promenade [RL57].
- Back to Back, Belly to Belly: Using Canter movement, rollaway from partner in place, the Lead turning 1/4 to the left (Follow to the right) every two counts, completing a full turn in eight counts. When tilting backward, rest your upper back on your partner's [RL57]. Can also be done turning the opposite way [RL57].
- Beguine Movement: Walk with a double hip movement, swaying the hips twice (right and left, or left and right) on each step. "The movement should be uninterrupted, smooth and continuous" [RL57].
The Music
Here's a sampling of Calypso music from 1957:
- RL57 — Robert Luis. (c. 1957). Authentic Calypso, The Song, The Music, The Dance. New York.
© 2018 Nick Enge
For more dance descriptions, see our three books on dancing:
The Book of Mixers: 100 Easy-Teach Dances for Getting Acquainted (2022) by Richard Powers and Nick & Melissa Enge,
Cross-Step Waltz: A Dancer's Guide (2019) by Richard Powers and Nick & Melissa Enge, and
Waltzing: A Manual for Dancing and Living (2013) by Richard Powers and Nick Enge.
For full-length teaching videos, visit: University of Dance.
For help crafting a life you love, visit: Project Quartz.
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